
Feb 16, 2013

Humour makes the Zebra Safari (EDS world) go round!

The last few days were heavy days resulting in a bad night of sleep (read not much sleep!!!), waking up quite groggy this morning! A true BITCH from hell. At least that is how I felt and I must have looked like one as well. Sadly, with a big smile, I have no picture to support the facts.

Luckily, my husband, woke up quite refreshed and good humoured! He helped me look at things and see the funny side of living in a zebra safari.

As I passed him I gave a quick hug and moved on not noticing that he veered backward to lean against me. 'He,' he said, 'I'm not as hyper-mobile as you!' I just helped him catch his balance on time or he would have been horizontal on the floor. That started the banter between us. Before I knew it we were in a stitch about EDS. OK, I realise that the situation may not be funny to you reader, but just imagine the scene in your head like you are watching a comedy on TV and I am sure a smile will appear on your face.

My husband is following a diet to lose a few pounds and I commented that he has no more love handles as I helped prevent a fall. My body, on the other hand, with EDS-HT with an overlap with the Classical, has many bumps and ridges. I'll admit it to you fellow reader, in plain facts, a gross amount of surplus belly skin leftovers from three pregnancies that never came quite right because of EDS. Not a pretty picture, I must add. I commented to my husband that he was nice and tight nothing like my flaps. Bless him as he told me that he loved my little mountains and that they were like rubber he could play with. Little mountains on which he could practice skiing and every day he could change the slope and follow another path. At first glance, my faithful reader, you may think that he meant this as an insult, but if you would have seen his eyes and the loving way he looked at me, you would definitely think otherwise. Dear reader just keep picturing the scene in your head and you will see the grotesque humour of it all. He grapped my tummy and slid the skin from side to side. Just at that moment I lossed my balance and my right leg went sideways with a dislocating knee in the most impossible stand that only an EDS-er can accomplish. Just picture the scene, I losing balance, arms wildly trying to catch my balance, my right hip and leg in a position and my knee bend in the strangest position, like the body of a jumper on the ground but then in mid-air.

Here the giggles came and we lay in a stitch. It was just too funny and too surrealistic like a slapstick. I said yes, I even can change the ski-jump in mid-air. We had tears in our eyes from laughing.

I can think of many such situations. Think about a group of Zebras eating together in a restaurant, all messing up with their food flying through the air while they all have their pinkies in the air like holding a cup of tea. Or the many times, a zebra just falls to the ground tripping over air. Or a zebra that hurts their toe because of an orange. I think any zebra could tell of many funny moments.

Or the fact that you strike a pose, like this picture from this morning and your husband says and places on Facebook:

'Ok, ze zit in een jaren twintig mood :-) dat ze maar niet de charleston gaat doen want dan gaat ieder lichaamsdeel een andere kant uit :-D' 

'Okay, she is fased into the twenties :-) She better not do the Charleston because then every body part will go in another direction :D'

You see dear reader, there is a humerous side of EDS, it is just on how you look at the situation. You yourself can choose to laugh or cry. I choose to laugh as it makes my Zebra life much better to cope with and it makes my Zebra Safari go round!