
Apr 5, 2013

And the Jackass of the Month is ....

Every EDS-er comes across at least one to three doctors in their life time who deserves a 'Jackass of the Month' award. You know them. A doctor pretty good in his field, knows what he is doing in his speciality, but when it seems he or her can't help, understand or acknowledge your EDS, he/she turns into the biggest jackass you have ever encountered! Before my reasoning becomes apparent, I need to give you some background info first.

Almost two years ago to date, my jackass determined that my knee was shot to hell. I had been having problems with my right knee for a while and I could only bend my knee about 5 degrees. Around this time two years ago, I was scheduled for a Total Knee Prosthesis operation. I was to remain in the hospital for about 5-7 days. I went into the operation chamber thinking I was getting a Total Knee Prosthesis, but came out with a Partial Knee Prosthesis! I ended up staying about 3 months in hospital with many problems and when I finally left I was only able to bend my knee about 90 degrees.  Two years later I can bend my knee no further.  I always questioned the doctor why he changed his mind to give me a partial. Our Hate-Love relation had started.  Ronny my husband could not stand him, finding him a big mouth, cocky, egocentric man. I agreed with Ronny but still had respect for his work. I think we all know the kind, a know all, don't judge my work I never do anything wrong and I am a god kind of person.

Well a couple of weeks ago, my knee started swelling up, getting red and I began getting a fever. Walking around became difficult. At first glance, it looked like a possible infection, but my GP and I remained calm and first started doubling the anti-inflammatory meds and icing the knee. I already have a wheelchair for longer distances, but now I needed to use the chair almost all of the time. The pain is awful and knowing that I have high pain levels.  Luckily I was able to see my specialist pretty soon in a week's time.

The Appointment

I was at my appointment on time and arrived before people who had appointments and also arrived after me. Still, it was extremely odd that they were called in first. I had to wait more than an hour to finally receive my turn! It may have been coincidence but the mood was set! It gave me a feeling that the good doc did not want to meet with me.

He still knew who I was and seemed a bit edgy. He asked me what he could do for me. I started to tell him that I indeed have EDS HT with a possible overlap with the Classical, that I have been having a fever, my knee swelling up, like I mentioned above.  I then proceeded to tell him that it felt like something in my knee was moving around (not my kneecap) and felt like I could feel the prostesis move around in my legbone.

Excuse me, did I say that the prosthesis was broken? Did I blame the doc for making a mistake? NO NO NO NO, I simply said that I felt like something was moving around!!!!!!!!

The doc went further with his very professional attitude:
'What are those crazy things on your fingers, you are not normal he! I have never encountered anything like it in my life and whole career.'
I explained that I was wearing silversplints and their function, while he just rolled his eyes. As expected he send me for some x-rays. Everything appeared normal, like by most EDS-ers.

Back in his office about 45 minutes later, he informed me that I had no reason to blame his work as everything seemed alright at first glance. He examined my knee further and told me that my knee was completely shot and that I need was of a Total Knee Prosthesis. I asked how to go on further, what the next step is.
'You are a problem patient and I will not treat, operate or follow you up any further. I will not do anything anymore except if you need some anti-inflammatory prescription I will write it for you.'
What!!!!!!!! I am not ready to sit in a wheelchair, something has to happen. Maybe an operation is not the right choice, but I can't walk around with a broken busted knee!!!!!!!

Well this zebra has met her Jackass of the month. I may be an empowered patient but this jackass had me stumped, flabbergasted.  How can you refuse to help a patient? Will I shot your good success records to hell? How about your code as physician to help someone in need?

He proceeded:
'I also don't believe that you can have dislocations of your knees or any of your joints! It is not possible to have dislocations so as you tell me. You are nothing but trouble and I will not have you as patient any more!'

How can an intelligent normally good physician make such statements. I can understand if a doctor does not know how to treat an EDS patient, but to treat me the way he did. Are you saying that EDS in my head is, that I am crazy!

JACKASS! is the only thought left in my mind. Not worthy of the doctor title!