
Jul 7, 2013

Incomprehension, lack of compassion, bullying

It keeps amazing me that most people choose to fail to see the realities of the world. Failing to see how people with power abuses them, how they choose not to see the despair and pain in the world, choosing not to see the corruption, injustice and the like. If it doesn't involve me directly it does not matter mentality. It must be a way of surviving, choosing to follow the main flow. I can accept that people choose to do so, it is their lives, right!

But what angers me is that one step further. That step that causes the herd to follow a leader or two. That step when people empower themselves to insult and hurt others so that they themselves will stay clear out of trouble with the mass. Following like they have no mind of their own.

However, most troubling and scary is the fact a group of people choose to bully others who are not like them. Hurt them, humiliate them, belittle, and purposely cause pain to others so that they may feel better about themselves.

You know the kind acting like children bullying others because it somehow empowers them emotionally and they feel better about themselves. Amazing how they think that they do no harm, publicly laughing pointing and worse actions, not thinking about how the other person will feel.

I started writing this because as president of a patient foundation, I witness and hear many things that are outright appaling. Incomprehension of illnesses, no compassion for people in a wheelchair, etc. But actually, this could be about anyone, any person could be a target. A person does not even have to be different!

I choose to have a hard skin, many have tried and failed to touch me in that way, but oh how it angers me to see people close to me hurt through unnecessary remarks, being made a laughing stock.

I have experienced how one gets treated in a wheelchair and how freaky my EDS can be to others! It is therefore no reason to treat another human being with disrespect because one does not know or understand the situation.

It is easy to say not to listen and to tell an EDS or any person that they are beautifull in their own way. It is easy to say that those bullies, even if they are beautifull on the outside, they are down right ugly on the inside!

All I can hope for is that a bully reads this and the next time they think twice before they open their mouths. Maybe next time have some respect for another human being!

So as the world is today, I fear that will never happen as long as people are insecure and unhappy about themselves!

You know I rather have EDS and be happy then one of those insecure ugly people! You know who I am talking about!