
Dec 5, 2012

Brain Fog ! ! !

My son had an appointment with his physical therapist........ I forgot

My husband asks me te do something...... I forgot

My daughter talks to me........ It goes in one ear and out another

I go back to the car a second time to lock the door .......... I forgot

B R A I N F O G:
Brain fog may be described as feelings of mental confusion or lack of mental clarity.  It is called brain fog because it can feel like a cloud that reduces your ability to think clearly.  It can cause a person to become forgetful, detached and often discouraged and depressed.  It usually is present most of the time, meaning it does not come and go, although it may become better or worse depending on what a person eats, or one’s state of rest and hydration.

I can go on and on and on and on with examples, but those with EDS will understand, family members usually don't.

As we get tired, we get forgetful, our mind is clouded and sometimes we do stupid things.

You may talk to us but we don't respond or hear you.

I am a person that on a good day can multi-task, on a bad day, I need all my concentration to do one thing right!

On those days, DAMN YOU EDS, DAMN YOU!

no more words, enough said.........